The 11th annual CGS field school kicked off this week. The participants were visibly excited and couldn't wait to get going. The day started with the group crossing the Transvaal and Karoo Supergroups and entering the Barberton Supergroup. They are currently living on the Komati River with no reception, but they are definitely loving life.
Matome, had this to say: "...field school is the most amazing thing that I've ever done in the CGS, I am learning so much about rock fabrics and mineral identification. I would recommend the field school for any young aspiring geologist..."
The group of 2016 ready to get going
Enjoy the field school young ones. This is a great opportunity for u to learn as much as u can. This programme does direct transfer of skills. Thanks to the CGS staff members that are involved in this training. Wishing u all the best