Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2014 Dairy: Day 7/8 - Home Sweet Home

Our arrival into the Richtersveld was marked by a lack in communications, namely no internet! Thus my inability to update our followers on the team’s progress over the last two days. I’m sure there were many worried people out there (family and friends), but I can assure everyone that the team is still alive and well, and we have not vanished into the wild!

Yesterday (Sunday 16 Nov) the team hit the road once more. As usual, they left promptly a few hours late and headed north toward Malmesbury; then onto the N7 toward Springbok. Along the route, the team followed the northern Limb of the Cape Fold Belt (showing very little signs of the impressive folding seen earlier along the eastern limb- why do you think this is the case?), starting along the rolling hills of the Malmesbury shales. These shales underlie the famous swarland (home of Weetbix) and a lot of the Cape Wine lands. After driving up the escarpment, near Pickenierskloof there was a drastic change in scenery as the geomorphology was dominated by a flat-lying terrain. This naturally makes the long drive seem even more arduous and never-ending, but respite was on offer near Springbok where the team entered majestic granite domes within the Okiep District. Springbok was a welcome relief where the team did some last minute shopping, realising that this is “lamb country” (no beef to many a dismay) and headed off the final destination, saying goodbye to the city life for a while.

Click here to download the route: Day 7

Eksteenfontein. Located on a major tectonic contact, of the Gariep and basement Vioolsdrift gneiss, Eksteenfontein was founded near the source of the Stinkfontein spring. Stinkfontein or “stink fountain”, referring to the sulphurous odour associated with the spring. This of course relates to the influence of the mineral chemistry after fluid-rock interactions beneath the spring, rendering the water hard, but drinkable. Eksteenfontein also formed the starting point of the Richtersveld Science Day/week. Today, the team watched in awe as Conrad lead a town hall meeting and lecture on Astronomy and the universe. This enthralled a large crowd at the Eksteenfontein community hall, most of which were avid star gazers already (since there’s nothing much else to do in Eksteenfontein). Simultaneously, there was a hand over of several posters and a short round table discussion with the teachers of the local primary school. Unfortunately, the lecture series intended for the school kids in Eksteenfontein had to put on hold due to the examinations having started. I was however told by several of the kids that “the exams are going okay…”

Clockwise: Nick at Nicky's, Conrad and Neo using some useful props to explain the solar system and some of the attendees at the Astronomy lecture

The Richtersveld Science Day/Week will most certainly be a major success. After today’s start, we have had several requests by the teachers to extend it to Alexander Bay and Steinkopf, including two of the large high schools. This is something we very much look forward to and will keep all duly informed. Do let us know if you’d like to be involved in any way!

Later in the day, the team then began the field introductory course. This was done while making their way to our field base in Sedelingsdrift, within the Richtersveld National Park. Here, the team was made familiar with the different rock types that they’ll be mapping and taught how to describe and measure structural/sedimentary indicators from these rocks. The temperature soared to 42 degrees Celsius, bringing new meaning to a warm welcome! The day saw the team covering the Stinkfontein Group and the Gannakouriep dykes. Paleocurrent directions, younging determination and measuring of forest beds all made up for a very successful day in the field.

It's getting hot in the kitchen: Some scenes of the show-and-tell day in the field

Tomorrow the Richtersveld Science Day/Week will continue to Kuboes with another town hall meeting and a visit to the local primary school. Once again, posters will be handed over and the team will have a chance to interact with the community. Something enjoyed and being looked forward to by all!

Some toys to play with-while getting structural measurements. Neo distributes brand new Silva Compasses to the team

View the day’s route here: Day 8

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